
Building more sustainable communities


Qualico Communities' commitment to sustainability is core to our culture and embedded in our communities. It’s part of who we are. We believe in creating natural environments where people, plants and wildlife coexist.

Through our partnerships with conservation consultants, we apply sustainable practices and strategies in the development of our communities in order to help protect our environment for present and future generations – all while creating beautiful communities for everyone to enjoy.

Storm water and surface run-off management

Storm water management is a crucial component of water conservation, watershed health and environmental stewardship. When rain water flows and pools, it collects sediment and contaminants while eventually making its way into the groundwater, lakes, rivers and streams within the Lake Winnipeg watershed. To combat excess water run-off, Qualico Communities incorporates bio-retention systems in our neighbourhoods.

Learn about our Naturalized Wetlands

Wetland - Southlands Village at Pritchard Farm

Reducing maintenance

Many public greenspaces can be challenging and costly to maintain. By planting native grasses in our communities, we reduce the long-term cost of care in these areas since they require minimal maintenance. Native grasses are hardy plants indigenous to Manitoba that do not need to be watered, fertilized or frequently maintained.

Learn about Native Plants & Grasses

Providing natural habitats

The development of our bio-retention systems produce homes for a variety prairie wildlife. The vegetation provides safety for smaller creatures, materials for birds to build nests and hunting grounds for birds of prey. Some animals you may see in these areas include rabbits, foxes and dozens of species of song birds.

Learn about our Naturalized Wetlands

Red-winged Blackbird on grass

Promoting active living

Qualico communities are designed to promote pedestrian connectivity among homes, amenities, parks and other destinations. This gives residents the opportunity to walk or cycle around the community rather than take the car – which is healthier for the body and the environment!

Trails in our communities are constructed with crushed limestone which offer many environmental benefits over traditional concrete or asphalt.

Learn More about Limestone Trails

Looking beyond our communities


As an extension of our values in practicing environmental sustainability, Qualico Communities proudly supports conservation science, stewardship and securement of areas that have high ecological value by supplying quarterly donations to the Nature Conservancy of Canada.

By supporting the Nature Conservancy of Canada since 2013, we have been able to expand conservation work in the Assiniboine Delta Natural Area. This area supports one of the last large, intact blocks of mixed-grass prairie in Manitoba as well as aspen parkland and spruce forests.


The Assiniboine Delta also encompasses the largest sandhill complex in Manitoba and represents a key habitat area for Manitoba’s only lizard the endangered prairie skink, as well as the rare hog-nosed snake, wolves, large herds of elk and an abundance of other wildlife.

Photo by Jordan Becker

True to our nature

With guidance from our partners, these practices help to protect wildlife habitats while creating more sustainable neighbourhoods by reducing greenhouse gases, erosion and fertilizer use in Winnipeg and its surrounding communities. This in turn cuts down on pollution and contributes to cleaner water that flows into our rivers and lakes.

Qualico Communities takes pride in the natural elements found in our neighbourhoods. By partnering with the Nature Conservancy of Canada, we are continually working to create and preserve important landscapes throughout our province.